.. warning:: This library is unmaintained. Integrating Hotwire and Django is so easy that you are probably better served by writing a little bit of Python in your code than using a full blown library that adds another level of abstraction. It also seems that the Django community is leaning more towards HTMX than Hotwire so you might want to look over there if you want more "support" (but we still think that Hotwire is very well suited to be used with Django) Unmaintained // Turbo Django ============ Turbo Django is a project that integrates the `Hotwire Turbo framework `_ with `Django `_, allowing for rendered page updates to be delivered live, over the wire. By keeping template rendering in Django, dynamic and interactive web pages can be written without any serialization frameworks or JavaScript, dramatically simplifying development. Topics ------ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 installation topics/quickstart.rst tutorial/index topics/turbo.rst topics/streams.rst topics/model_stream.rst topics/components.rst topics/templates.rst Reference --------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 GitHub Repo