
Streams allow data to be sent to a currently loaded page. Stream classes must be explicitly declared in and should contain all render and positioning logic. Stream classes are also used to add permissions.


from .models import Message, Room

import turbo

class BroadcastStream(turbo.Stream):

    def send_message(self, message):
        # This is a user-defined method that encapsulates render and positioning logic.
        # It would be called from code using BroadcastStream().send_message("test message")
        self.update(text=message, id="broadcast_box")

    def user_passes_test(self, user):
        # user_passes_test is a built-in method that is extended to add permissions to streams.
        return True
turbo.Stream.append(template=None, context=None, text=None, selector=None, id=None)

Add the rendered template to the end of the specified HTML element.

turbo.Stream.prepend(template=None, context=None, text=None, selector=None, id=None)

Add the rendered template to the beginning of the specified HTML element.

turbo.Stream.replace(template=None, context=None, text=None, selector=None, id=None)

Remove and replace the specified HTML element with the rendered template.

turbo.Stream.update(template=None, context=None, text=None, selector=None, id=None)

Replace the contents inside the specified HTML element with the rendered template.

turbo.Stream.before(template=None, context=None, text=None, selector=None, id=None)

Insert the rendered template before the specified HTML element.

turbo.Stream.after(template=None, context=None, text=None, selector=None, id=None)

Insert the template after the specified HTML element.

turbo.Stream.remove(selector=None, id=None)

Remove the given HTML element. The rendered template will not be used. As no template is used to remove divs, this can also be called directly from the shortcut remove_frame(). Ex: remove_frame(id='div_to_remove') TurboRender)

Send a TurboRender object to this stream.

turbo.Stream.stream_raw(raw_text: str)

Send raw text to this stream. This will not be prewrapped in a turbo stream tag as it would be in stream()


Return True if a user has permission to access this stream. If False, the websocket connection will be rejected. When creating a stream, extend this method to exclude certain users from resources.