Turbo Frames

<turbo-frame> Turbo Frames allow parts of the page to be updated on request. Each turbo-frame must have an id that is shared between the parent frame, and the elements that will be loaded into the frame.


Be sure to read the official documentation of Turbo Frames.

Turbo Frames can be rendered in python using convience methods.

turbo.shortcuts.render_frame(request, template_name: str, context=None)TurboRender
turbo.shortcuts.render_frame_string(text: str)TurboRender
turbo.shortcuts.remove_frame(selector=None, id=None)TurboRender

Create a TurboRender object that removes a frame. Since there is no content to be inserted, no template or text is passed. Instead,

from turbo.shortcuts import render_frame, remove_frame

def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):

    form = RoomForm(request.POST)
    if form.is_valid():

        new_form = RoomForm()

        return (
                {"form": new_form},

TurboRender methods

Once a turbo frame has been rendered, it needs to know where to position itself. The following methods let the client page know where to position the new content when it is received.

The typical use is to chain render and .<action> commands into one logical, easy-to-read statement.

    request, 'broadcast.html', {'content': "New message!"}

Each of the following methods take either an selector or id keyword argument to specify which HTML element will receive the action. selector is the first argument, so no keyword specifier is needed.

turbo.TurboRender.append(selector=None, id=None)

Add the rendered template to the end of the specified HTML element.

turbo.TurboRender.prepend(selector=None, id=None)

Add the rendered template to the beginning of the specified HTML element.

turbo.TurboRender.replace(selector=None, id=None)

Remove and replace the specified HTML element with the rendered template.

turbo.TurboRender.update(selector=None, id=None)

Replace the contents inside the specified HTML element with the rendered template.

turbo.TurboRender.remove(selector=None, id=None)

Remove the given HTML element. The rendered template will not be used. As no template is used to remove divs, this can also be called directly from the shortcut remove_frame(). Ex: remove_frame(id='div_to_remove')

turbo.TurboRender.before(selector=None, id=None)

Insert the rendered template before the specified HTML element.

turbo.TurboRender.after(selector=None, id=None)

Insert the template after the specified HTML element.


Property. Return this rendered template as an HttpResponse with a “text/vnd.turbo-stream.html” content type. This allows for turbo-stream elements to be returned from a form submission. See the Turbo documentation for more detail (https://turbo.hotwired.dev/handbook/drive#streaming-after-a-form-submission)

frame = render_frame(
        request, "reminders/reminder_list_item.html", {'reminder': reminder}
return frame.response